And I've changed from baby burrito blankets... Though I probably should have dropped the baby burrito part as no search engines can find me! I might have more luck with, but I've got what I've got for the next year!
So fabric woes... We ordered a brand new couch, chair and ottoman a few weeks ago and were in LOVE with our fabric choices. Then we got the dreaded phone call that our couch fabric (the yellow with the petite blue fleurs) is no more, so we had to pick out a new one today. Not only does that mean we aren't getting our first choice, but we also have to wait an additional 3 weeks or so for the couch to come... grrr. Hoppefully it's going to be gorgeous, but for now, we have to just be happy that it costs less (because the fabric isn't as great a quility... sob sob...) Anyway, pretend the yellow fabric is now a pretty little tiny gingham with white spots. It's called Mama's Apron Strings - cute, right?